Dearest Michael, Michael, Michael and Chris,
Firstly, I should explain that I have three major inspiration and idols in my life. Woody Allen is my movie hero, Roger Federer is my tennis hero and then we are THE PHYSICS are my music heroes! It's hard to believe that it has been four years since I first saw them opening for 30 Seconds To Mars. Yes, four years today. On April 21st, 2007, I saw 30 Seconds To Mars at the Astoria in London. Back in the day, I listened to 30 Seconds To Mars and I really liked Jared Leto as an actor and somewhat as a musician. Who knew that I would fall madly in love with the opening band instead? I remember the day as if it were yesterday. They were only on stage for twenty minutes at most, but they had so much stage presence and charisma and I just fell in love with their music. That night I went on their Myspace and found out they would be playing at the Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes really close to my dorm that weekend.
When I was in London, I would go to shows by myself all the time. It was my favorite pastime, seeing bands and meeting them. Admittedly, every time I would meet a band after a show, I would feel butterflies in my stomach, because I would be in awe of them. When I went to Bloomsbury by myself, I was a little anxious about seeing them. To my surprise, I ran into a friend Alison who happened to be a DJ there and... she also knew the band! What are the odds? So Alison introduced me to Michael, Michael, Michael and Chris. Yes, there are three Michaels in the band and the Chris! They were the nicest guys I've ever met! Not only are they talented and creative musician, they are so nice and modest about their music!
Their live show is truly one of a kind. I would love to describe their performance, but it would be like ruining a great movie. If you ever have the chance, you must see them live for yourself or watch their YouTube videos. You know how some bands just play on stage without any stage presence, because they've been playing live for years and they don't put their heart and soul into their performance? Well that truly saddens me, but we are THE PHYSICS puts 110% 120% heart and soul into every performance! They just go nuts! Now that's a show! When I was still in London in 2007, I saw them four times: April 21st, April 28th, May 11th and June 21st, 2007. Every single show of theirs was spectacular and so memorable.
When I saw them at KoKo on May 11th, I brought them a few gifts for fun. Since they toured with 30 Seconds To Mars, I bought them the DVD of Requiem for a Dream (Jared Leto's best movie) and a few other random things that reminded me of them. From May 11th to June 21st, I did a countdown on their Myspace page: Days, Hours, Minutes and Seconds. It was probably quite obnoxious for frequent goers of their page, but I thought it was entertaining and a little depressing, since June 21st would be the last time I would see them, since I was leaving England forever. When it finally came to June 21st, I really didn't want the day to be over, but it was the Summer Solstice, so I kept convincing myself that it is the longest day of the year. The show was at Camden Barfly and it was perfectly intimate and the crowd was amazing! This time I brought them their favorite carrot cake and their favorite sandwiches and other miscellaneous gifts. It was one of the best days of my life and I will never forget June 21st, 2007.
After my first year in San Francisco, I went to London to visit my brother and friends for two weeks. As luck would have it, we are THE PHYSICS had a show in London when I was there. The timing was just perfect and they were performing at Camden Barfly. I cannot stress enough how talented these guys are and how nice they are. I really, truly wish them good things and I really hope one day they will be able to tour in the U.S. They have already accomplished a lot, they've toured in Japan, Amsterdam, Russia, but I hope they can come to the U.S. (preferably New York) soon, so I can bring them homemade carrot cupcakes!
Thank you guys for being so sweet and your music is always the best form of escapism for me. I can't wait to see you guys again and hopefully that will be soon! I can't wait to do my crazy, obsessive countdown till the day I get to see your show! Good luck with everything and I can't wait for your next album! I less than three we are THE PHYSICS!
Feel free to follow them on: Website / Myspace / Twitter / Facebook
Much Love,
Avalonne a.k.a. Crazy Calculator Lady

They sound great! Nice post x