It was kind of my birthday last week, yes, that means I'm another year older. Does that mean I'm a year wiser? I would hope so, because if my looks will end up fading away, I better get a hell of a lot smarter. I can confidently say that I've really come to like the person I am. Admittedly, growing up I wasn't very confident and didn't have much self esteem, especially when I was in elementary school. I was so shy and introverted. But I'm not going to make this post into a sob story, I'm just glad that I'm growing up to be the woman I've always hoped to become. I have so many life goals for myself and if I have an ounce of realism in me, I would know that the chances of me achieving everything on my goal list is nearly impossible. Nevertheless, I am still optimistic that I can be a writer/director and I will be making my own movies in the (near) future. Someday.
I just re-read my birthday post from last year on my old blog. I can't believe a year has come and gone and so much has happened since. I'm actually in New York and sometimes it still baffles me. Sometimes I would be walking in Greenwich Village and I would have to stop and think "where the hell am I?" Yes, yes, I'm in NEW YORK! It's crazy!
This is what I said on 10/24/10:
Yes indeed, 2011 has been a year of more surprises and unexpected adventures, I cannot begin to explain. Now that I've been in New York for four months, I am starting to feel more fear than ever. My future seems so uncertain at this point, BUT I do have some plans and ideas on how I will continue to stay in the U.S. I make it sound like I'm from some awful country, but the truth is that Hong Kong is just NOT FOR ME. (Hey! It's worth the visit, don't get me wrong) Without trying to generalize everyone in Hong Kong, but a lot of people in Hong Kong just lack creativity. What drives (most of) them is money and consumerism. If I live and work there, I will become a zombie and an unhappy zombie at that. I know that if I plan the last two months of 2011, I know that I will be able to figure out a plan to stay in New York.
My birthday was spent with one of my dearest friends Caro, who coincidentally was visiting from San Francisco. The timing was perfect, because she was in town for a photo expo and other photo related endeavors. She arrived on the 23rd, just in time for my birthday. We went to Central Park to see the trees, but they weren't red, orange and gold yet. We were met by another lovely friend and fellow RFJ! cohort Marissa! We were both sporting hats, looking all retro and awesome! Thank you so much for the birthday card, gifts from Alice's Tea Cup and birthday cookie! I am so grateful to have you as a friend and I look forward to our New York, tea related and film adventures!
I cannot believe Caro's timing! It was completely coincidental and serendipitous. We should have gone to Serendipity III. Caro, Marissa and I met up at Bethesda Fountain in Central Park. I had seen that fountain in the movies and wanted to see it for myself. The Boathouse is also by the fountain, which reminds me of the scene in Sex and the City, when Carrie and Big fall into the lake (I love my SATC references). We parted ways with Marissa and said a sorrowful goodbye for now, because she is visiting Texas for a while. Can't wait for her to come back! Caro and I made our way to the Angelika Film Center to see Midnight in Paris, because Caro hadn't seen it yet.
I do love Midnight in Paris, because it's the type of fantasy that I've always had. I love the Twenties and I love Paris. Spoiler alert. I love F. Scott Fitzgerald, Picasso, Matisse, Dali. I hope I haven't spoiled too much for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. It's an enjoyable and lighthearted story, but it could be a challenging film if you don't understand the references. We also went to see Drive the next day. It is a very slow movie and it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but there were a great deal of Facebook statuses stating that Drive is the best movie of the year. Well in my opinion, I wouldn't necessarily agree, but I did enjoy the soundtrack, the visual style and credits (just like everyone else). That night, I went to Film #2's wrap party in the Meatpacking District. It was so nice to see everyone in a different environment, but admittedly, I think I prefer a work environment to a bar setting. Gosh, I'm weird. Now... next film please! I need to get moneyz! I think that would be the great present of all, if I can work on a film. Fingers crossed.
On Wednesday, we met up with my friend Jay and he surprised me with cupcakes at Spot on St. Mark's Place. Thank you so much for your kindness and friendship! Vicky also sent me birthday macarons! Thank you so much for the pretty and delicious macarons! I am so thankful to have such incredible friends and people in my life. Here we go, year 23 of my life, what surprises will you have in store for me this time?!
More photos to come (to be scanned).