“You are both stars, don’t forget it. When the stars exploded billions of years ago, they formed everything that is this world. Everything we know is stardust. So, don’t forget, you are stardust.” ― Before Sunrise (1995)
Milestone. An important event, as in a person's career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point. I have survived my first year in New York City and I'm pretty happy with my achievements. Admittedly, I haven't found a full time job, but I'm working on it and more importantly, I'm shooting my first short film Shyness this summer. Although I spent the first few months of 2012 in a rut, I managed to dig myself out of the rut and now I'm in a really good place. We all have our ups and downs and that's what makes life so interesting.
I felt like I was failing, but failing implies that I was trying and for the most part, I didn't feel like I was capable of trying. I just felt so lost and empty. This creative block sucked the inspiration and life out of me and I felt nothing. During those months, I did manage to work on a few movies and shows, so I'm really thankful that despite what I was feeling inside, I still managed to get some work opportunities and met some great people.
I will always remember my first year in New York fondly. The last twelve months have made me realize that I need to kick start my career now. I spent the last few months wallowing and knee deep in a rut and now I feel rejuvenated and ready to push myself. I'm really excited about shooting my short film Shyness this summer. This is the most challenging thing I've ever done in my entire thing and it's only the beginning. I have a lot to do in the next months, but I'm looking forward to being in complete control of my own work. I'm also really looking forward to seeing what I will achieve by the end of 2012. I already have a six month plan, so let's see how driven and motivated I am!
Without further ado, let's take this opportunity to look back on my first year in New York; the memories, adventures, the people I met, the friends I've been lucky enough to make, the job opportunities and experiences, etc. New York, I Love You!
June 10th, 2011: Packed up most of my shit and moved to New York by myself.
June-August: Lived in Flushing for two months.
July: First internship in New York as assistant to independent producer.
July-August: My FIRST feature film opportunity as art intern, credited as set dresser on Revenge for Jolly! - my first IMDb credit!
August: Caro visited New York for the first time!
August: Had to move out, during the shoot, I had to apartment hunt and found a place in Greenpoint and bumped into Inez! Totally serendipitous and meant to be! We tried to meet up, but failed every time and this time we were meant to bump into each other outside An Nhau on Bedford.
August - September: Internship at Virgine/Ground Magazine.
September 12th: Went to the finals at the US Open, saw Djokovic beat Nadal = epic
September: Saw Mr. Bryan Greenberg at The Canal Room with Sasha, went to Fashion's Night Out at Prada in SoHo with Jason, discovered new music Holy Ghost, therefore discovering my new favorite band Jump into the Gospel
September-October: Interned on another feature Sinister, starring Ethan Hawke. Still can't believe I got to intern on a film with Ethan Hawke. Uh Before Sunrise is one of my favorite films ever!
October: Caro visited again! It snowed that weekend in October!
October: Someday.
November: Blog reinvention - someday. by avalonne hall
November: Got the opportunity to be an additional PA on The Dark Knight Rises, thanks to Giuseppe from Sinister. Bumped into Marcus from Jolly! and met Tina and Amy on that shoot.
November: Shy visited for Thanksgiving weekend. Bourgeois Pig. Best fondue ever!
November-December: One of the most stressful periods of my life was working on Me, You and Five Bucks, but it was such an amazing experience and opportunity and I learned so much from being the second assistant director.
December: Had a little Benenden reunion at Joe's Shanghai with Sasha, Izzy, Sophie, Rachel.
December: Read The Perks of Being a Wallflower, after Marissa gave it to me in October! One of the most inspiring books I've read.
December: Started writing Shyness.
January: Moved to Williamsburg, best location ever!
January: Jonalyn visited for a week! Shopped, dined, did the touristy things and watched 2 Broke Girls!
January-May: Existential crisis / slump / rut.
February: Interned on A Case of You for a few days, more importantly, starring Justin Long and Evan Rachel Wood.
February: Inez had a lovely Valentine's Day Pop Up Shop Party to promote and sell her winter turbans! I shot a little video for her and it was perfect!
February: Shot a little promo video for my IndieGoGo Campaign with Inez.
March: Interned at Show of Force briefly, worked as an additional PA on Person of Interest for three days, I got to see their sets at Silvercup Studios and saw Michael Emerson in the flesh! LOSTIE!, watched the episode Many Happy Returns when it aired in May and you can see my blurry silhouette walk across the screen! Pretty badass if you ask me!
March: Sasha's birthday at La Esquina.
April: Easter lunch at Sasha's. Best roast chicken I've ever had! Then we went to Central Park. Perfect Easter.
April: Worked on student feature Newlyweeds as on set dresser.
April: Saw Revenge for Jolly! twice during Tribeca Film Festival! Can you believe it? That's all I'm going to say here. Tried to get rush tickets for 2 Days in New York, but failed every time! But I saw Ethan and Julie in Chelsea the next day. It's a sign... sort of. The film comes out in August.
May: Photo shoot at Brighton Beach for Inez's exclusive turban line. Shot a behind the scenes video! Then Inez and I returned to Brighton Beach to do a photo shoot for the Crossroads Fashion Photo Contest! Fingers crossed!
May: Jump into the Gospel reinvented themselves with a new name HITS. Their new music is amazing! EP coming out on June 26th! Saw William Beckett and Cara Salimando at The Studio at Webster Hall with Inez. This man is too funny.
May: Went to San Francisco and had the most refreshing time ever. "Refreshing" sounds like a funny word to describe a trip, but it was exactly what I needed and wanted. A reunion with the most amazing people ever. Went there for the graduation. This trip is going to get its own post! ∞
May: After I came back from San Francisco, I found out that there is no way I would be able to get rush tickets for Death of a Salesman, which was terribly upsetting, since I knew about the Broadway Revival since last fall. I just procrastinated and I missed out. So I went to the stage door, just to see Mr. Andrew Garfield in the flesh. That's all I needed. I am such a dork.
May: Feeling rejuvenated. Completely out of the rut. Blogging again. New endeavors. Got a new feature film idea! It just feels amazing to be in control again of my thoughts and my mind.
June: I found the actress for my main character! More on that later!
June 8th: First Fancy Food Friday at Maison Premiere with Sasha!
June 10th, 2012: One year! Bought myself a silver infinity necklace. Can't believe I've been in New York for an entire year. So trippy. Had brunch and celebrated at Tipsy Parson with Tina!
June 12th: Had lunch with Amanda at Cafe Gitane! She and Marissa are the loveliest people ever. Coolest sisters in the world. They're going to take over the world!
June 15th: Fancy Food Friday, Central Park, Moonrise Kingdom with Therese!
June 21st: Accompanied Sasha to get her pinky tattoo. Then went to Inwood Shakespeare in the Park for As You Like It and then dessert at Spot!
One year anniversary ∞ 6/10/2011 - 6/10/2012
and in that moment, i swear we were infinite.

image source: peony nebula star settles for silver medal, nasa.gov