Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Fall is upon us. When we think of autumn, we think of the leaves starting to change, the cool crisp air and the smell of pumpkin spice and cinnamon (I don't like either scents to be honest). This is actually the moment the Sun appears to cross the celestial equator, heading southward. We know very well what happens on Earth when fall's majesty approaches us. But when you think about it, the earth is spinning and now we're at the moment the Sun rises directly in the east and sets directly in the west, which means we will have an equal amount of daylight. It is officially the #FirstDayOfFall.
"Happy Equinox to all Earthlings," tweeted Neil deGrasse Tyson earlier. Thank you for reminding us that this is our planet and we are responsible for keeping this planet alive and healthy. There is just so much happening in this world, we cannot possibly know about everything. I'm not just talking about current affairs, I also mean so much has happened in the history of this planet, our solar system and universe. There is so much we know, don't know and have yet to know. Isn't that such a haunting feeling? But I want to know and learn from people who do know and I'm going to continue to learn.
I am compelled to learn, write and document everything that inspires me. Dedicating Autumn from Allegro-Adagio Molto by Antonio Vivaldi to celebrate the Autumn Equinox.