"The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it." – Hubert H. Humphrey
My godmother has been a constant source of inspiration, love, encouragement and support in my life. I have never once doubted our friendship and relationship all these years, because she has never been disappointed with me, she has never had certain expectations from me, she has just always wanted me to be happy. So I'm living a happy and healthy life for her. I wish we could live in the same city, but we are divided by a large ocean between us. But she will always be in my heart, when she's far, when she's near, I will always turn to her in times of desperation, joy, anger, sadness. And I am there for her to express my unconditional love, friendship and support in return. I am beyond thankful to have her in my life. I am who I am because of her.
Happy 70th Birthday to one of the most remarkable women I know! What a milestone!