"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." – Martin Luther King Jr.
Today, more than ever, we should stand up for ourselves, stand up for equality, justice, human rights! It's hard not to be political in tumultuous times and it's easy to hate politics and be indifferent or passive. But I choose to care like Martin Luther King Jr., because he cared. He cared so immensely that he caused and led a movement. Now that was a leader.
He was a remarkable man and just saying these words are making me teary eyed. He led people to their rights and I thank his courage, strong will and determination to fight for his beliefs. It's still an ongoing battle. Now that is not to say he was perfect - no one is perfect. So don't bother criticizing certain aspects of his life.
We are humans after all and we all make mistakes, big or small. I am so proud to be ENFJ like him. Thank you for your contribution. You are a legend.